Success in the Arts

Awards 2016

The annual Wyeth Brothers Award, in honor of   recognizes the students who shine in the visual and performing arts at Wilmington Friends School. This year’s two recipients have dedicated endless time and effort to reach this accomplishment..Congratulations to William Stanborough, (’16) and Joslyn Gardner ‘16!

These students have shown great passion in their works with the arts. William performed in many shows at Friends, including Kiss me Kate, Once upon a mattress, The Sound of music, The Music man, and Mirrors (a student-run production). William was also a member of the band, chorale, and Chamber Singers his senior year. Margaret Anne Butterfield, Upper School Music Teacher and Performing Arts Department, comments, “He is committed to the discipline, He is committed to the music and the theatre. William is a role model in every rehearsal and leads by example. He always approaches his performance happily. He doesn’t just enjoy the product, but also the process”. In addition to the performing arts, William excels in visual arts and has also won the Visual Arts Award. He took the IB HL Art Major course his junior and senior years. Cynthia Stan Mellow, Upper School Art teacher reflects, “William has had a commitment to Visual Arts. He is doing it for the interest of the class, and that is very admirable. William is also active in arts outside of Friends and takes summer classes at Delaware School of Art and Design.” William is dedicated to the arts and will attend School of Visual Arts next year for college, where he will study animation.

Joslyn, a Chambers Singer and actor, has also been very active in the performing arts. She has been in many school musicals, including Kiss Me Kate, Bye Bye birdie, The Sound of music, Tempest, Hounds of the Baskervilles, Once Upon a Mattress, The Music Man, Three on a Bench, and more. Josyln was also a student director of the school’s production, Mirrors. Margaret Anne Butterfield reflects, “Joslyn does it all. She is very strong academically, athletically, and creatively. She will major in music, but she will attend a liberal arts college for a well-rounded approach. I really love her flexibility with roles, whether it is a leading or supporting role. She will lead either way”. Joslyn has been in All-State choir for two years and takes IB HL Music. In addition to her achievements in the performing arts department, Josyln was on the Mock Trial and tennis teams. Her dedication will continue to shine at Panoma College  next year.

William and Joslyn are well-deserving of the Wyeth Brothers Award and have worked hard to reach this achievement. As they say before a performance in Friends theatre, “Once more unto the breach, dear Friends, once more.”