On April 8th, 2024, WFS students experienced the solar eclipse in our very own backyard. Students were prepared with special aluminum glasses,...
For the past few years, Friends students haven’t been able to use their phones in school. !e rules are to keep them in your locker, they shouldn’t...
As we dive into the new year, big changes are afoot. Ms. Zug, head of Upper School at WFS, announced early this year that she’s stepping down...
If you’ve been around WFS, you’ve probably seen a brightly colored, scrap- py-style magazine scattered around. $is is the Grittier Scrapbook,...
On April 8th, 2024, WFS students experienced the solar eclipse in our very own backyard. Students were prepared with special aluminum glasses,...
!e global phenomenon Tiktok houses over one billion active accounts around the world. !at’s more than one eighth of humans on the planet. Tiktok’s...
Despite wind, rain, and chilly weather towering over Delaware during the #rst month of spring one thing is apparent: spring has sprung. Flowers...
Football is a dangerous sport. Tackling people and hitting them as hard as you can at full speed is bound to cause some injuries, but strict...