A League Of Your Own

Homecoming Issue

Bella Stuccio, Sports Writer

When you think of the word “autumn”, what comes to mind? Leaves of different colors, back to school, and for most Americans, football. The football season has become a huge part of autumn and now there are even more ways to get involved, such as Fantasy Football. In this beloved game, every football fan has the chance to lead their own team to victory.

Since 1962 when Fantasy Football came about, fans have been hooked. Currently, the game is full speed ahead and teams and leagues have already been formed. Each player creates a team by choosing players from different teams in the NFL. You are the coach of your own team so you can trade and replace players. This way, the online game corresponds well with the game on the field. The way you score is by how well your player does in each game they play during the season. This game does not just use knowledge of the sport, but also mathematics and statistics. One of the best parts is that you do not need to be able to play football to still enjoy it this way!

Fantasy football is a great way to bond with family members as well as participate in a sport that is easy to do, even when you have a busy schedule. James Tallman ‘19 expressed “I think that fantasy football is a great way to become more engaged with the aspects of football, as well as it brings friends and family closer who share leagues through friendly competition, tied to a fun, family game.” This is a great way to bond with people who you may not have known as well before. Denzel Dixon ’20 added, “I do play it, but not often. I only play when my friends are playing because we can compete against each other.”  Each student reflects on how this game is an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family, while doing something they all enjoy.

Mary Agne ‘18 has been playing for four years and plays to win. Agne commented, “I play in a league with all of my cousins. When you do the draft, it’s really cool and some of the people who come to the draft you don’t see often, so it’s nice to see them and have something to share together.” Even if you do not play as competitively as Mary, who was previously third in her league, you can still enjoy Fantasy Football.

Another point is that while this game is fun to do, it is a bit time consuming. Jake Rashkind illustrates the other side of the game by saying, “it took time away from other things that I wanted to be doing and it gives you the false illusion of control. I found myself watching games that I cared nothing about. I quit and I have been very happy about it.” Fantasy football is a great sport to play, but requires a time commitment some people may not be up for. Whether you chose to play or not is up to you.

Fantasy Football begins each year right before the football season, so be sure to catch it next year and join a league of your own!