Quakeover Cancer Raises Over $20,000 for B+ Foundation
February 2014
Joe McDonough, founder of the B+ Foundation, with Friends students Meera Kohli ’15, Julia Blumberg ’15, Sarah Brennan-Martin ’15, Sujeylee Alvarez ’16, and Elena Veale ’14.
The Wilmington Friends B+ Foundation Committee hosted a five-hour “Quakeover Canceer” Dance-a-thon on January 17, 2014, surpassing their $20,000 campaign goal.
The Andrew McDonough B+ Foundation, established in honor of Andrew, who died of Leukemia in 2007, works to fund childhood cancer research and support financial and emotional supports to the families of children with cancer. In addition, the organization works to encourage people to “Live Like Andrew.”
Junior Meera Kohli led the B+ committee, which included seniors Caroline Ehman and Ellie Anderson, juniors Luyolo Matyumza, Sarah Brennan-Martin, and Julia Blumberg, sophomores Sujeylee Alvarez, Eleanor Napoli, Olivia Garber, Frances Harper, Summer Tyler, Charlotte Strine, and Maya Johnson, and freshmen Simone Veale and Margaret Sullivan. The Friends committee worked over the past year to plan the event, coordinating with student leaders at Tower Hill, Sanford, and Tatnall schools for the four-school effort. The Jan. 17 dance was MC’ed by senior Elena Veale and DJ’ed by junior Patrick Pearce. The following are pictures taken during the event.