Upper School Events Through the Spring

Bryce Young, Staff Reporter

Last spring, seniors missed out on  their last prom, their last prism night, and a lot of other lasts. This year is a little different with everything that is going on. First, we are going to, hopefully, be in person. Second, we have a cure for COVID-19 being distributed currently and finally; we are being as safe as we can. The Spring Events that are occurring this year include; prom, prism night, MLK day, and spring concerts. The seniors can also look forward to their graduation. So far, the spring is looking bright!

MLK day was on January 18, 2021. Last year’s MLK day at Wilmington Friends School had a bit of controversy surrounding the activities that occurred during the day as some of them were not focused on MLK or what he stood for but a preparation for other events. This year, due to COVID-19 and the safety measures in place, MLK day occurred on an asynchronous day for Wilmington Friends School. The school brought in a guest speaker. When asked to shed some light on this year’s MLK day, Donald Morton ‘94, U.S. History Professor, replied; “The upper school will honor the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. with a presentation by Brendon Jobs, DEI Director at The Haverford School. Brendon’s talk is entitled “How to Be An Upstander: A Workshop for Helping Kids Speak Up When It Counts” and will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, January 20.

MLK day at Wilmington Friends School still occurred and was phenomenal. Brendon Jobs gave an amazing speech that resonates with today’s society and brought awareness to how students can impact their school in a positive way through small acts. Each little act done can amount to a larger act in a similar way that Martin Luther King, Jr. was able to do. 

Prism Night is still occurring this year! Prism is a club at Wilmington Friends School that hosts a Prism night each year that celebrates all of the different art forms of expression at the school. Prism night is normally compiled of poetry readings, music, activities, and showcases. Prism also publishes an end of the year magazine which will still occur this year according to the clerk of Prism, Sarah Stovicek ‘21. When asked about Prism night itself, she was hopeful, stating, “We don’t have a concrete plan yet, but we might host one outside (if weather permits) or have an online version.”

Prism night is hopefully still occurring in some capacity. The expression of the arts this year has been limited due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety measures and the Wilmington Friends School arts and drama department and clubs should be commended for their effort to continue to showcase the dramatic and artistic talents at this school.

Prom is something that consumes the high school spring experience. Last year, prom was cancelled to the disappointment of many. This year, the Prom Committee is trying to do everything in their power to have the prom continue. The clerk of the Prom Committee, Lily Anderson ‘22, stated, “Prom is set to be on April 10th and it will be outside to ensure the safety of all of the guests. Right now, we are in the midst of communicating with the vendor about possible food options, but that has its own set of obstacles with keeping everything COVID-safe. We are hoping to have as many students as possible attend.” 

So get excited! Prom is still occurring with its own limitations. Yet, the Committee is trying everything in its power to have prom be as amazing as it was in years prior. Prom is having fundraising opportunities so keep an eye out for those. 

Wilmington Friends School is looking toward the spring in a hopeful light. Many events that got canceled last year are planned for this year with as many restrictions in place. All that is being confirmed is that each event is working hard to make sure that the event can happen.