The WFS Cat By the Track

Collier Zug, Staff Writer

You may know him as “the cat” who is always outside, but no matter whether you know him, you’ve probably petted Mac the cat. At the sprightly age of 18, Mac is still wandering about outside and in, saying hello to the hundreds of kids who walk down towards the turf and track every day. Many people have petted him and can attest to how friendly he is to students too. “The cat seriously gives me licks every time it sees me. It purrs every time it sees me. It’s the cutest little cat” says John Ursomarso ‘24. As it turns out, Mac really wants to be a part of the traffic going to and from the school because he is super friendly and loyal.

Mac spends his days inside and outside, roaming around where he wants to. He likes fresh air and even goes for walks. He even has a place on his patio where he likes to lie down, but only in warm weather. He’s an indoor and outdoor cat that isnt afraid of the outdoors. “He loves the outdoors and likes to roam about our yard and the neighborhood. When the weather is colder, Mac will spend much more time inside. We also have a porch with a cat door, blanket, food, and water where he likes to sleep.” Ben Schiltz, Mac’s owner.

Mac has been here for years and really enjoys the company of the athletes and students who come by “So the next time you see Mac, give him a pat and know that you’re making his day by being there.”