Rejoing the Paris Climate Accord

Eden Cottone, Writer

The Paris Climate Agreement is an international effort and agreement to reduce greenhouse gases and slow down the damaging effects of climate change. The United States, second only to China, is responsible for producing the most greenhouse gases yearly. 2020 was the hottest year on record, and if the United States and the world does not take action soon, conditions will continue to worsen. This year made it clear of the effects climate change will have on us. Texas froze over, a tornado tore through Delaware, five major hurricanes drowned Lousianna, and southern Florida flooded over. These are just three examples of the disatorious impact that climate change has had on the nation and will continue to have for the foreseeable future.. Therefore, the rejoining of the Paris Agreement is crucial for our future. 

On June 1st, 2017, former President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris Agreement without a care on how it would affect the world and its environment. Then President Joe Biden took office. On his first day, January 20th 2021, he rejoined the Paris Agreement. Why is this important? A quote from secretary of state, Antony Bliken sums the issue up well. “Its purpose is both simple and expansive: to help us all avoid catastrophic planetary warming and to build resilience around the world to the impacts from climate change we already see.” Climate change is real and it is happening. By rejoining this deal, the US is not only doing their part to aid the environment, but they are showing that they care for the future of the world. Lucie Perloff ‘22 expressed her hope for the future. “Rejoining is definitely beneficial especially after the previous administration. It feels hopeful.” Many share the same view as Lucie. Hopeful. 

The United States is sending a message that this is an international problem and that it is going to take cooperation from the world. It is the duty of the United States to lead by example. At some point, Wall Street will be irrelevant to the burning world that will soon surround us. It is time to set our priorities straight and that is exactly what President Joe Biden did by rejoining the Paris Agreement. Conner Manning ‘22 commented that rejoining the Paris Agreement is a step in the right direction. He says, “It is definitely a good thing. One of the most influential and important countries joining sends the message that this is an important cause that needs the world’s attention.” Biden is taking other steps towards a clean environment as well. He plans to achieve a 100% clean energy economy by the year of 2050. Last July, Biden also announced his 2 trillion dollar plan hoping to slow the scary and worsening effects of climate change. Under this new administration, it is clear that science is valued and the environment will be protected. Though, it may seem that the weight of climate change rests on the shoulders of the United State’s government. Javier Ergueta disagrees. He calls for the engagement of all people. “Biden’s ambitious climate program “goes out on a limb” politically.  If we really care, this would be the moment to find ways to show our support.” Rejoining the Paris Agreement was a necessary step in having a green future. Hope is in our future and now, as American citizens, we can rest assured that our President is working towards a cleaner and greener future. However, the fight is not over. We owe it to our Earth to take necessary steps to help climate change. Our future is in our hands.