Saunders’ Hard Work Pays Off
Awards 2016

The Mendinhall Award, in honor of Josh Marshall Mendinhall, is awarded to the Wilmington Friends School student who has “done the most for the school” through their involvement and leadership. This award is special, as faculty and students come together to ensure that the final decision truly represents the sentiment of the school. Jessica Saunders ‘16, an incredibly devoted student, is this year’s well-deserving recipient of the Mendinhall Award.
Jessica’s significant accomplishments while here at Wilmington Friends School include her positions as Head of Business Meeting, Co-Clerk of Prism, Head of Agenda, Co-Editor in Chief of Yearbook Committee, Co-Clerk of Apple Core, and stage manager. Ms. Puritz-Fine, Upper School Dean of Students and Spanish teacher, states, “Jessica holds the highest expectations for herself- she can’t help but be excellent! And yet she is also an excellent cooperator, a collegial and empathetic leader who invites other voices into discussion.” Jessica is known for her conscientious attitude and magnitude of achievements.
Mary Woodward, Upper School Quakerism Teacher and advisor to Business Meeting, reflects on when Jessica co-organized the Apple Site Day at WFS, a day where a representative came to demonstrate the school’s 1-to-1 program to other schools: “He said he had never seen better organization, and they came back the next year to do it again. Jessica was working behind the scenes the entire time, plus juggling all her other commitments like making great strides in Yearbook Committee, clerking Nominating Committee, stage managing for plays beyond her credit requirements, and excelling as an IB Diploma candidate.” Jessica’s achievements and involvement at the school can inspire others to get involved and contribute to the community of Wilmington Friends School.
Jessica devoted much of her efforts to her extracurriculars, while also shining in class. Javier Ergueta, Upper School History and Theory of Knowledge (TOK) teacher, comments, “Jessica’s contribution to the school has also been intellectual: In TOK class, her enthusiastic response to the challenging ideas at the core of the course helped create a ‘culture of thinking’ of just the kind that the IB program envisages.” Bradey Bulk, Upper School French teacher, adds, “Jessica has a knack for unifying the class; in turn, the class trusts her. Jessica was the clear choice as someone whose ideals and service to the school make her an outstanding member of the graduating class.” Jessica is a positive role model and a dedicated studen whether she is in the classroom or a club.
Looking forward, Jessica’s future looks bright. Entering Duke University as a freshman in the fall, Jessica will undoubtedly continue her leadership by example well throughout college and her future career. Ms. Puritz-Fine adds, “I expect to see Jessica running something- and well!”No doubt she will continue her practice of working with people, reaching her dreams, and living a life of purpose and of determination.” Jessica’s great accomplishments have impacted the school and everyone in the community. Congratulations, Jessica- you will be missed!