Pop Musicians Express Hard Messages Through Songs

Homecoming 2015: Freedom Issue

The kind of music that someone writes, sings, or listens to can say a lot about them. Recently, many artists have been creating music with an underlying message and theme of freedom. Especially with the expanding air of acceptance in America, many people are experiencing liberties that they were previously restricted from. The theme of freedom, whether it be wanting freedom or already having it, has been prevalent in the works of many influential artists throughout America’s history and it continues to be important in this day and age.

In America, freedom has been an important part of the country’s history. People reflect upon and celebrate important dates where freedom has been achieved. However, freedom has still not been completely achieved in America. Jessica Smith, English Teacher and College Guidance Counselor, explained her view on freedom in America: “Freedom has been a topic in American history for a really long time. Whether it’s individual freedom, the pursuit of happiness,  or various groups being able to take advantage of those freedoms. It is still an issue that we struggle with today whether it be racisms, sexual orientation, etcetera.” In fact, these things are far from being achieved.  The recent fight for, and legalization of, same sex marriage has brought forward many artists who have written music in support of the movement. For instance, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis voiced their support for same sex marriage through their song “Same Love” and their 2012 album “The Heist.” They use their influence amongst the people who listened to their music in order to spread awareness for a cause that they supported. Margaret Sullivan ’17 commented, “Macklemore was willing to put himself out there and speak up for what he believed in which is incredibly hard to do in our society. I find it inspiring, and I think it will also inspire others to make changes that they want to see in the world.” Similarly, Bob Marley wrote many songs that voiced his longing for the freedom of oppressed people all over the world. Ethan Moser ‘17 resonated closely with the words of Bob Marley, commenting, “One of Bob Marley’s most famous quotes says, ‘Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.’ These words make you want to go out and make a change in the world; they make you want to help those who don’t have the same freedoms that we do and to free oneself from anything that is standing in one’s way. Oftentimes one must free themselves before they are able to free others, and those words may give someone the confidence and will to do both.” Bob Marley’s messages of love and determination traveled far and wide to people everywhere.

People all over the world are experiencing the effects of suppressing societies. They feel the need to look and act a certain way, even if it does not match who they really are. Not only are people repressed by society, but they can also be suppressed and restricted by other people. Songs that are able to express the importance of being able to break away from anything that is restricting are very influential. In 2014, pop artist Ariana Grande released a song called “Break Free” which emphasized the power of being able to stand up for oneself and not settle for anything less than what one deserves. Alex Trudel ‘16 explained just how influential the messages in music can be, reflecting, “Listening to music about breaking free of things that are holding you down is really inspiring to not let anything hold you back. It opens one’s mind to the possibilities of what you may be capable of.” Musicians have widespread fanbases and many people take the things that they say as well as their actions to heart. The things that they say, sing, and do, have huge impacts on their lives and they may strive to be more like that musician. If musicians are encouraging people to fight for what they believe in and not back down, people will follow them.

Music can be liberating for people in many ways. It can give people confidence to break free of chains that are holding them back. Music has a powerful effect on people and the messages in songs can have a profound impact. It is important that musicians continue to voice their support of freedom in their music and that people continue to seek freedom in areas where there is none.