As students walk the
halls and pass through the quads,
whispers and chuckles can be
heard about a well known WFS
tradition; the senior prank. Ideas
are already stirring. Plans are be-
ing mapped out. The community
is becoming curious and excited
for what the class of 2025’s senior
scheme will be.
Let’s paint a picture: the
air is clear, and the birds are
chirping. Nothing seems absurd
about this day, and nothing is out
of place. Then you look out the
window and…the Jones house is
painted in blue and white stripes!
Senior Jack Heckles says,
“It’s gotta be something big;
imagine the Jones house blue and
white, huh? Or maybe gold…”
Now that’d cause a stir.
Senior Greta Munch
contributed to this idea, “What if
we spray painted, ‘seniors rule –
class of ‘25. You can’t tell me that
wouldn’t be sick.” Oh yes, it would
make Mr. Aldridge sick to his
Seniors take pride in their
prank; they want a reaction out of
the rest of the student body and
to be looked up to as hilarious
So what about a funeral?
Perhaps a wake? One plan has
been entirely mapped out by an
anonymous senior. The plan is
to start with calling all students
and faculty to the meeting room
for an important presentation. As
people start to enter the meeting
room, they will be greeted with
black curtains along the windows,
black tapestries on the benches,
a huge coffin with flowers by the
side of it, and a sign saying: “In
loving memory of class of 2025.”
Sounds quite simple; but that
wasn’t all this anonymous senior
had in mind.
Someone will be standing
at a podium, close to the coffin.
Once everyone arrives, that per-
son will begin speaking, giving a
heartfelt speech about this year’s
seniors and how we wish them
“Then, what if we fit as
many seniors as we can in this
huge coffin, and at the end of the
speech when the speaker is letting
out all his tears, the seniors in
the coffin start to bang from the
inside of it.” says Silas Montana
‘25. “They yell a bit, smacking the
top and sides of the coffin. Hah,
it’ll freak everyone out.”
Okay, not so simple.
It’d bring a scare to many;
but ultimately it’s a whole-
some and sweet idea with a
bit of dark humor added.
What is considered a prank?
More specifically, a good
one. When everyone is
fooled into believing a false
Senior Steven Kozi-
kowski schemes out another
act to happen at the Jones
house. “What about a HUGE
party? Doesn’t that sound
fun?” Gabe Fletcher 25’ says,
“Brooo, that would never
work out.”
But Steven didn’t
mean an actual party; he’s
thinking of throwing some
streamers up on the house
and confetti on the ground,
maybe a few red cups on the
grass nearby, and some WFS
posters and pom poms in
places. He’s even debating
having some polaroid photos
taken and laying them out
in front of the Jones house;
photos that look like a party
went on and the seniors
had a good time. Steven’s
vision is sounding like Katy
Perry’s, “Last Friday Night”
music video. Forget a fake
party, surely the seniors will
be hosting one of their own
when the year ends.
The curiosity con-
tinues but there is one
thing that’s for sure, and
that’s to watch out for the
Jones house. Big or small,
the senior prank is to most
likely take place there. But
then again, who knows?
Maybe one day there will
be a Mariachi band follow-
ing Mrs. Miller around or
a balloon invasion in the
halls. The finalized plan for
the big upcoming prank
lives on as a mystery; yet
there is no doubt that plans
are being made. And if you
listen closely when you pass
a locker or two, you’ll hear
word of the senior prank.