For decades, students have said that prom
is a boring event where invitees have to dance in
uncomfortable dresses or tuxedos with even wor-
se heels and dress shoes. This year, the 2025 Prom
Committee has chosen to switch the prom from a
monotonous dance into an extra fun pajama party!
In an attempt to make prom more antici-
pated, The Prom Committee has changed the dress
code to pajamas and plans to set up a bouncy house
with an obstacle course.
Lila Rubano, ‘26, clerk of the Prom Committee, said,
“In the past, prom has been just okay. Sure, it’s fun,
but most upperclassmen agree that we want more.”
She explained, “This is why the ‘25 Prom Committee
has stepped up the prom game and gone complete-
ly crazy. Go big or go home, right?” Rubano ‘26 is
excited and says, “This is my first prom, and I can
only hope that it will be fun in the years to come.”
When asked to elaborate on the prom plan, Rubano
‘26 said, “There will still be music, food, and fun,
but we are aiming to make it more fun by making it
a pajama party.”
Evelyn Renzo ‘28 was asked how she felt about this as an under-
classman. Her response was optimistic, “That sounds like a really cool
idea. I hope my prom is that fun.” Although Renzo ‘28 was happy, not
everyone was.
Avery Martinenza ‘25, said, “Most girls have already bought
dresses, expecting it to be a traditional prom, and most of the guys have
already bought corsages for their dates.” This news disappointed her,
and many students like Avery have faced similar issues.
The Prom Committee recognized that not all attendees would
be pleased with this substantial change, but the committee was ready
to confront any criticism with a solution. Regarding the discussion that
Avery and other students presented to the committee, Rubano ‘26 sta-
ted, “Rather than sticking to the tradition of matching corsages or coor-
dinating dresses and tuxedos, friends and couples can opt for matching
pajama sets!”
“People might get bored of the bouncy houses,
and some people don’t really like them in general.
Which is why there will be a pillow fight station,
as well as a station to play Just Dance.” Rubano ‘26
The theme for the 2025 prom is fun and nostal-
gia. Rubano ‘26 said, “The Prom Committee thought
it would be a cool idea to remind the seniors and
juniors of their childhood memories. While also just
having fun.”
When asked why the Prom Committee chose to
do this, Rubano ‘26 responded, “Life can be really
stressful, especially for the seniors, picking colleges
and deciding what to do for the rest of your life. We
thought the seniors should experience one last fun
thing before they leave Wilmington Friends.”
Nora Abd El Kader ‘27 gave positive feedback on
the pajama party idea: “I think that’s super fun and a
really cool idea.”
With mostly positive feedback, the Prom Pajama
Party has gone over well. But will future Prom
Comittees want to do something similar?
Rubano ‘26 answers this question positively, “I hope so. I think
it’s really fun and could be a good idea for the future.”
When asked if the committee had come up with ideas other than
a pajama party, Rubano ‘26 explains, “That was one of few ideas. We
didn’t have many more but there was laser tag prom, petting zoo prom,
main event prom, and ice skating prom.”
The 2025 Prom Committee outdid themselves with their fabu-
lous choice of prom theme! It’s sure to bring smiles to many, if not all, of
the upperclassmen and promises a delightful, fun-filled evening.