American Ninja Warrior is a competition for a cash prize of
$1,000,000. There have been 225 unique
challenges, each one being extremely dif-
ficult. Only three competitors have won
the cash prize in the past, but now our
very own, Mrs. Kenney, has competed
and won!
How did Mrs. Kenney, the amaz-
ing 9th and 10th grade English teacher,
win American Ninja Warrior? Well, Mrs.
Kenney recently revealed that she has
been practicing for years to compete,
keeping her training a secret. She worked
extremely hard to figure out the proper
techniques and strategies to kill the com-
petition. She says she has been working
on many different ways to gain skills such
as weightlifting, marathon running, ar-
chery, swimming, and so much more. She has also been giving guidance
to the coaches of some sports here at Wilmington Friends, now that she
has become so strong and athletic.
If you have ever watched American Ninja Warrior, you know
how intense the obstacles are. Some of the most difficult obstacles are:
“Archer Alley”, “Propeller Bar”, “Double Dipper”, “Jumping Spider”,
“Jeep Run”, “Warped Wall”, “Razor Beams”, “Twist & Fly”, and “Rope
Ladder”. Mrs. Kenney went to Las Vegas and competed all of the obsta-
cles to get through the finals, showing the world that being a teacher is
not the only superpower she has!
About 3 million people watch American Ninja Warrior, and
Mrs. Kenney was viewed by all of those people! She has had many peo-
ple reach out to her asking for autographs, and she’s even gained a huge
amount of fame on her social media platforms for this huge new ac-
complishment. In addition, Mrs. Kenney has become an icon for many
different companies: Nike, Adidas, and Reebok.
Mrs. Kenney shared in a recent social media post that she is
planning on writing her very own book on her experience. It will be
called “Teacher or Warrior?” and she will
discuss the challenges of her training, as
well as balancing teaching and training
for her competition. It will also share
the difficulties of keeping her training a
secret from her students. As an English
teacher, one can assume that her book
will be very interesting and will hopeful-
ly have many readers.
A New York Times writer recently
reached out to Mrs. Kenney, asking if
they could write an article on her and
her amazing accomplishments. They
also requested to come to Wilmington
Friends and interview both students and
teachers, to share about our school. Mrs.
Kenney’s breakthrough has already made
Wilmington Friends gain fame; Wilmington Friends School may be-
come a nation-known school!
If you have ever thought about competing for American Ninja
Warrior, or any other difficult competition, Mrs. Kenney encourages
you to TRY. You never know until you try, and you may have a huge
win, just like Mrs. Kenney. She is truly an inspiration to us all, to show
us that hard work and dedication can help you get far in life!
In conclusion, stay updated on the next steps of Mrs. Kenney,
the interesting outcomes of the book, and the New York Times article.
Students, here at Wilmington Friends, should feel pride for all of our
teachers, and the amazing work they have done. Because whether war-
riors or not, they are incredible.