When people think of redheads,
they might picture Linguini from Ratatouil-
le or the Weasley family from Harry Potter.
While these are all popular figures, the reign-
ing redhead has to be the famous musician
Ed Sheeran. In a recent survey, five million
people were asked who came to mind when
they thought of the word redhead. A whop-
ping 78% of people said the world-renowned
Ed Sheeran. He is well-known and loved by
redheads worldwide for representing them
in the mainstream media; however, he is not
only popular within the redhead community.
Thousands of fans go to the salon each year
and use a photograph of Ed Sheeran’s fiery
mane to reference their desired hair color, but
these fans do not know the truth about their
red-headed representative. Ed Sheeran, who
has been profiting from the redness of his
hair for years, is a fake.
In a recent lie-detector interview, the
truth was revealed. Ed Sheeran has naturally
light brown hair but uses red dye to make
him stand out in the music industry.
He admitted that he began dying his
hair to mimic his childhood hero, David
Bowie, who happens to be a redhead. He
loved Bowie’s song “Changes,” which talks
about changing who you are, even including
the line “But I’ve never caught a glimpse, how
the others must see the faker,” which sums
up Ed’s current situation almost perfectly.
According to inside sources, his inspiration
from David Bowie caused him to dye his hair
red once in high school spontaneously. No-
body knows why, but he did not dye it again
until he started his music career. Ed realized
that he had the power to line his pockets by
simply being a redhead.
While the reason Sheeran had ran-
domly revealed the truth about his hair color
is unclear, fans and redheads everywhere are
devastated. “I was shocked when I found out
it wasn’t natural,” says redheaded senior Car-
ter Fenimore.
“I feel like my life is a lie,”
says Nathaniel Hershey ‘28, another redhead-
ed student. He sometimes used Ed Sheeran as
a Kahoot name because of their shared hair
color. Unfortunately, Ed didn’t share that trait
with Nathaniel after all.
People may be wondering why he
chose to dye his hair red rather than a more
vibrant or unnatural color. According to
several online sources, redheads tend to stand
out in crowds, and their hair color is usually
associated with traits such as passion and cre-
ativity. Conversely, more unnatural or vibrant
colors are usually associated with calmness,
growth, and youth. Therefore, for someone
going into the music industry, choosing to be
a redhead proves to be more successful.
Now, just because Ed lied about his hair
color doesn’t mean he needs to be canceled,
as most still love his music. With songs like
“Perfect,” “Shivers,” and “Bad Habits,” it’s not
hard to see why Sheeren is so popular—some
might even say a music icon. Even if he lied
about his hair color, he couldn’t make up for
his talent.