Does Music Affect Your mood? The short answer is yes. Music totally affects your mood, no matter who
you are, music will impact your mood. Music has many benefits no matter what you’re listening to or
what you’re doing while listening. Most would argue that music is one of the most important things in
life and has helped them in many ways. It can be healing, reasuring, meditative and more. Music can
change a person and has impactful effects.
Most people take the opportunity to listen to music in the car, at the gym, or while doing work. Ac-
cording to Statista 79% of people listen to music in the car. This comes as no surprise considering this is
when people have a moment away from the anxieties of life and can truly take it in.
Anxiety and stress are a constant factor in any person’s daily life especially when it comes to school
work. Different types of music can help this. Every person has their own preference on what helps them
but there are also studies that show that classical music helps the most.
According to Fastweb, “Listening to Classical music is known to be both peaceful and harmonious,
creating a calm and serene study environment.”
Danielle Litterelle, the School Counselor, offers valuable insights on the effects of music on focus and
motivation. “Mozart is great! There is scientific evidence that shows that classical music calms you
down cognitively and helps with motivation and focus,” Litterelle says. Classical music being a great
tool to use when studying comes as a surprise to many.
Lucy White a sophomore at Wilmington Friends, has heard of the interesting use of Classical Music. “I
do know about classical music because my dad tends to listen to Classical Music when he is working,”
White says. “This makes sense because it is calming and doesn’t have any words which makes it easier
to focus on the words in front of you.” She later shares that she doesn’t use it when studying and usually
tends to listen to pop music. Music puts you in a focussing mindset and has many benefits when com-
ing to completing work and putting you in that focussing mood.
The difference between classical music and the average music of today is that it is a 60 beats per minute
genre of music. Other genres tend to be 100 and 40 beat per minute music. This music usually is played
when on a run or a workout.
Mrs. Litterelle likes to listen to music while running and says, “It helps me with exercising and helps
motivate me.” Literelle tells me how she utilizes 60 beats per minute(classical) in her practice. When
a student has a tough time focusing she uses a website that offers meditative music that calms them
down. All of these are 60 beats per minute music. “Classical music is a tool I use that helps calm some-
one and even slow your heart rate,” says Litterelle. 60 beats per minute music has many advantages and
can take a student a long way in their work.
The impact of music on studying efficiency varies from person to person. While some individuals find
that music can enhance concentration, improve mood, and make studying more enjoyable, others may
find it distracting. Ultimately, it is essential to understand your own preferences and experiment with
different types of music to determine what works best for you. By finding the right balance music can
become a great tool to boost your study sessions and improve overall academic performance.