Despite wind, rain, and chilly weather towering over Delaware during the #rst month of spring one thing is apparent: spring has sprung. Flowers are blooming. Rainbows are in the sky. Animals are awakening from hibernation. Pollen allergies are making us all misera- ble again. With all the drama that comes by spring from weddings to graduation parties, it can be easy to forget about all the new gi$s bestowed upon us humans as the weather becomes warm. !e small blissful changes that occur during spring, is what the beautiful season is all about. Spring is a time for change and for new beginnings. For new memories. To appre- ciate the dull moments of life. And most of all, for new fun springtime-related activities! But is spring really that great for students? Drawbacks such as allergies, bugs, daylight savings, and the stress of #- nals approaching might put a damper on this season for students. Between school work and college decisions, how could we possibly #nd any springtime activities en- joyable? Students at Wilmington Friends School are prepared to share what spring activities they #nd enjoyable and give their thoughts on this new season so that our community can #nd ways to balance fun and work this Spring. !ough, maybe some think this enthusiasm can be taken to another potentially superior season… One of the most beloved parts of this spring season is nature. Beautiful %owers blooming, wildlife, and bright- ly-colored trees blossoming, are only a few of the natural changes that occur during the spring. WFS student Samarra Moxon-Emre ’27 shared her apprecia- tion for nature in spring by saying that her favorite activity is, “Going on nice long scenic walks,” when asked why she added, “It’s refreshing”. !is suggests that going on a nature walk does not only allow one to marvel at the beauty of the nature around them, but also can clear their mind and boost their mood. Taking a walk outside could be a good way for students to declutter their brains during the stress of work this spring. Despite her love for walks in the spring, when asked if spring had the best activities, Samarra had to disagree as she believes fall has the best ones. Another WFS student also commented on the perks of being able to go outside for an activity, during the spring season. Ahana Mitra ’27 shared that her favorite spring activity is biking because she can “be out with my dog.” Spring opens the door for so many activ- ities that cannot be done happily during the winter. Outside activities like biking, hiking, and picnics are much nicer to enjoy during the warm weather of spring. Despite Ahana’s appreciation for biking, Ahana believes that “Summer has the best activities because you aren’t in school and you can go to the beach. You can do basically anything you could in spring but you don’t have school”. It is easy to see how the time constraints of having to be at school and do homework could ruin the possibility of fun springtime outings for some. However, students may want to take the chance to bike, like Ahana, and have picnics before the weather becomes so unbearably hot in the summer. Another springtime favorite among students is sports. From school sports to leisurely sports, it seems like sports is one of the most fun aspects of springtime. Easton Martinenza ’27 stated, “I like to play kickball with my family because I always enjoy it, and I win”. Going outside for a good sports match can be a great way to bond with family and friends as the weather warms up this season. Easton also added, “I would say spring does have the best activities”. Another student who talked about her fondness of spring sports was Maya Ross ’27. Maya said, “Tennis because I like playing it with my family and it is nice to get outside in the sun”. It seems like many agree that sports in the springtime can be a fun family activity, and a great way to enjoy warm, cheery sun. When asked if she thinks that spring has the best activities, Maya commented “Yes because in Spring you can be outside more and you’re not all clumped together inside.” !is suggests that in the cold months of winter, it can get stu”y and cramped. !is proves the bene#t of spring by being able to relax outdoors. Overall, it seems like WFS stu- dents are somewhat split on what season has the best activities. Some may think that the brisk weather of the fall is supe- rior to the warm springtime sun. While others enjoy the ice-creaming melting temperatures in summer. Despite the di”erences of opinion among the student body one thing is clear: everyone can appreciate at least a part of springtime. So if over the weekend you are taking a walk outside, riding a bike, or enjoying some spring sports, take a look around you, and soak in the sun, nature, and the essence of spring.
April Showers Bring…Spring Activities?
Scarlett Murphy ‘27, Staff Writer
August 20, 2024
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