Valentine’s Day is the next major holiday on everyone’s minds. But is it really a holiday or a marketing ploy? And are some people subject to being left out on this day of love?
Valentine’s Day is widely regarded as a day for love, wearing pink, and candy. A day to show loved ones that they are cared for. Many Friends students have expressed that they use the day to buy candy and gifts for their friends, significant other, and family. When asked how they celebrate Valentine’s Day, an anonymous Friends student answered, “Spending time with those who I care about. Family, friends, other.” Another well-known Valentine’s Day tradition is Galentines. Although a very female-centered way of celebrating, this tradition can be observed by all. Usually, girls will get together with their friends, dress in pink, and get each other gifts and candy. It is a way to show appreciation for your friends and a representation of platonic love. Of course, the most famous way that people recognize Valentine’s Day is by spending it with their significant other. The famous “Will you be my Valentine?” question is sought after by many middle schoolers. Many Friends students have also expressed that they celebrate Valentine’s Day with their significant other or that their significant other has been their Valentine. One anonymous student said that their Valentine’s Day tradition is to “make a setup and cook a big dinner for my girlfriend.” The day could be spent creating a gesture for a loved one or spent with friends but one thing for sure is that Valentine’s Day is seen as full of love.
But are people who celebrate this holiday wearing rose-colored glasses? From a small sampling of the Friends upper school, a quarter of students said that they don’t celebrate and half said it wasn’t a real holiday. A lot of people feel that Valentine’s Day was made up by companies that sell candy and cards to make money and exploit gullible romantics. Another perspective people have is that there shouldn’t be a day to show loved ones that someone appreciates them, that can be done anytime. When asked why they don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day an anonymous Friends student replied, “It’s just annoying to me because I can celebrate the people I love all the time.” Another reason why people don’t celebrate is because the whole idea of Valentine’s Day makes them feel lonely. It is a very relationship-centered day and some people may parade their relationship around on that day. This can lead people who don’t have a significant other to feel left out. Although the holiday has religious origins, most don’t celebrate it for that reason and some feel that a holiday focused on people in relationships is exclusion. Opinions among the controversy of Valentine’s Day are that the holiday is fake or that it is a holiday without meaning and one for a very specific demographic.
There are some definite positives and negatives to this day of love. It can be a chance to show appreciation and celebrate love, full of flowers and chocolate. Or it can be a regular day. Valentine’s Day can remind some people how they have been missed by Cupid’s arrow. But no matter how people feel about it, mostly everyone can agree that it is a day to eat loads of candy.