WFS Upper School Spring Sports Overview
March Issue
Anna Erskine ’18 and Blair Atkins ’17 celebrate after a win.
March 5, 2017
Spring is upon us, and there is so much to be excited about! Winter sports have just ended, and spring sports are starting up soon. At Wilmington Friends, there is a plethora of options for those looking to play a sport in the spring. Soccer, tennis, track, baseball and lacrosse are offered and enjoyed by many. Well, the reviews are in! Here is some insight to a few of the sports one can play this spring.
Though it is just the beginning of the season, many students are already very excited and especially those who are new to the Upper School athletic program. Eden Groum ‘20 is playing soccer this spring. “I chose to play soccer at school because I really enjoy the sport. Also, I wanted to get to know some upperclassmen since I haven’t played any sports in high school until this season.” Groum remarked.Groum has been playing soccer on and off since she was ten years old. Her comment rings true to many underclassmen who have bonded with upperclassmen through sports. Honor Dearlove ‘19, who played field hockey in the fall, will now be playing girls lacrosse.
“I decided to play lacrosse this year because I have played in past years and I really enjoy playing and being on the team with my friends. I have played lacrosse before and I wanted to play again this year because I like the sport and also really like the team element, since a lot of my friends play. It’s also a good way to meet other people in a really fun way. My favorite part about being on the team is that it’s really fun to bond with both new and old friends,” Dearlove said.
Both girls agree that being on a team strengthens the bonds between students and can help them make new friends through a common activity.
In addition to new and younger student-athletes, there are also many students who are returning to sports they have played in previous years, such as Fiona Saunders ‘18, who plays tennis.
“I’ve been playing tennis for about 5 years now. My favorite part about being on the team is the people on the team and just the fun atmosphere that’s created by the other players and coaches. Tennis is a really fun sport to play, even if you aren’t the best one on the team. I decided to keep playing tennis this year because it’s a lot of fun and a great way to get exercise. I’ve found [that] improving in the sport is really rewarding and I’d like to keep getting better,” Saunders observed. Tennis is a great sport because it gives students the opportunity to compete independently as well as on a team.
Scott Clothier, who coaches the girls soccer team, finds immense importance in teamwork and playing sports altogether.
“I think [soccer] is a simplistic sport that has a tremendous amount of nuance. It’s always changing, it’s always evolving, and I find that fascinating. I do like the camaraderie of being a part of any team. I like the dynamic and the dynamism of the sports season, and how it’s always changing. Even though we play the same teams every year, it’s always changing. Each year it’s never the same exact players. I just think sports, like soccer, are beneficial because you get to learn a lot about yourself like how much thought and commitment you need to put into it. It gives kids an opportunity to put the book aside,” Clothier commented.
The change that Clothier refers to is not just the change of the members of the team, but also the growth, development and bonding of the team throughout the season.
With all of that being said, your athletic options this spring are wide open. Spring sports are a great way to get out on the field, court or track and have fun!