A Successful Day of Service at Friends
Weekly Update
Gutstein and Butterfield advisory weeding at Nemours Gardens.
September 23, 2016
Service day at WFS is an important marking point of the beginning of the year for students and faculty alike. This year, on Friday, Sept. 16, advisories from grades 9 to 11 participated in various service initiatives within the community. On the same day, rather than participate in service, the seniors had a bonding day, where the grade travelled to the Funplex in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, for a day of indoor amusement park activities.
Service day is a yearly tradition at Friends. Students worked with various organizations for their service projects such as Easter Seals, Clothing Bank, the Ronald Mcdonald House, Delaware Humane Association and many more. According to Ms. Miller, who was in charge of organizing service day this year, “Service Day replaced grade retreats a couple of years ago. Not sure when exactly, about six years ago.” The projects are an all school-day affair: each advisory is bussed to their service location where they spend the day volunteering and collaborating as a group.
Hannah Blackwell ’20 served with her advisory at the Clothing Bank. She commented, “It was a lot of fun and I was happy to collaborate with both my advisory and the people working there.” Both Blackwell and Ms. Puritz spoke enthusiastically about an extra clothing drive some freshman advisories are organizing for the Bank. Ms. Puritz explained: “Inspired by learning that new, clean underwear is desperately needed at the Clothing Bank, students in Ms. Child’s advisory and mine are at work right now, letting their lives speak directly to address that need by coordinating a school-wide “Panty Party” drive.” These students are clearly making a real difference in the lives of others, a clear indicator of a meaningful service day.
Meanwhile, seniors at Friends took an hour-long bus ride to Mount Laurel New Jersey, to spend the day at the Funplex. The venue was rented out for the senior class, and the students were free to play laser tag, drive go karts, bowl with friends, play arcade games, and more. Lena Urick ’17 commented “Funplex was really fun! I think my favorite part was the go-karts. We never ran out of activities, and it was a great opportunity for the senior class to bond with one another at the beginning of the year.”
Wilmington Friends strives to make every service opportunity meaningful for students. As Quakers, service is one of the core school values. Ms. Puritz concluded “For me, Service Day is one of the best days of the year. New advisories and advisors have the chance to get to know each other while doing some tangible good in the world- doesn’t get better than that!” Overall, September 16 was clearly another successful Service Day at WFS.