WFS Summer Camps Are Fun For All
Welcome Back Issue

Summer at WFS
September 19, 2016
As Wilmington Friends School commences another exciting year, many of us may be reflecting on an exciting and leisurely summer. Many students and faculty spent time away; whether they travelled, enrolled in a camp or program, or made many trips down to the beach. But much of our community chose to spend their summers right here on campus, as they worked or enrolled as a camper in one of the four summer day camp programs at WFS. The 4 programs Friends has to offer are: the ‘mighty munchkins’ (pre-K), ‘eager eagles’ (grades K-1), ‘big kids’ (grades 2-5), and middle school (grades 5-9). However, the camps are not limited to those age groups as those in grades 10-12 and even alums can apply to be CITs or camp counsellors. Each of the camps has its own unique themes and activities that cater to its respective age group, ensuring a specialised and fun-filled experience for all campers.
Margaret Sullivan ’17, worked as a camp counselor this past summer at the Middle School camp, which takes place on the main Upper/Middle School campus. She said of the experience: “It’s a lot of fun with a mix of high school students and alumni working as counsellors.” Sullivan explained that the average day generally began with games outside, and dodgeball was a popular indoor activity. “We turned the cafeteria into our own ‘home-base,’ where we set up ping pong tables and other activities,” she added. Overall, Sullivan emphasized that a lot of the daily activities are left up to the campers: they have the chance to vote everyday on what they’d like to do, and the counselors comply. The middle school campers have a great sense of freedom that comes from choosing their own pastimes. Additionally, many meaningful relationships spark between campers and counsellors alike, forming the foundation of the camp experience.
Alyssa Nathan ’17 spent her summer as a camp counsellor at the Lower School camp, which takes place on the Lower School campus grounds. “The camp typically runs from either 8-4 or 9-5,” Nathan explained, “and starts out with games outside on all days except for Wednesday, where we bowl in the morning. At 9am, the campers split up into groups.” Several activities are offered for campers, such as PE, art, and even cooking. “There’s really something for everyone,” Nathan added. After lunch, most campers hit the pool, but on occasions, campers make an afternoon trip to the ice rink for skating. On Fridays there is usually some sort of special activity: according to Nathan, “one time there was a slip n slide!” Just like at middle school camp, many of the fondest camp memories came from bond formed between campers and counsellors.
Overall, counsellors at WFS summer programs work hard to ensure that each camper has a special experience. Why not spend your summers at WFS? There are four different camps to choose from, and campers and counsellors alike agree that Friends camp is a great way to fill their summer days.