Sheppard and Blumberg Share Starkweather
Awards 2015

At Wilmington Friends School, community service is valued for its demonstration of the Quaker tesistmonies.In addition to meeting the academic demands of senior year, some strive to exceed the required amount of service and further contribute to their communities. The Starkweather Award, named after Howard W. Starkweather, Jr. ‘44 for his exceptional dedication to community service, honors students who choose to go above and beyond their expected contributions to their community. This year, the award is presented to seniors, Julia Blumberg and Macon Sheppard.
Julia Blumberg ‘15, who will be attending Highpoint University next year, demonstrated her love of service through her work with organizations including Best Buddies and Special Olympics, where she helped disabled children participate in enjoyable games and competitions. Julia applied the same diligence in helping others as she did to her work for the B+ Foundation and the Ronald McDonald Charity House. Julia also participated in the Costa Rica service trip. Her efforts led her to a nomination for a Government’s Service Award. Julia’s energetic attitude in helping others has made high school even more enjoyable for her, and she has undoubtedly inspired others to approach service with the same kind of enthusiasm.
Macon Sheppard ‘15, who will be attending the New York University this fall, also surpassed the required amount of service. The focus of Macon’s service was working with children. This included his contribution to the Boys and Girls Club of Delaware, which creates a safe environment for young kids to learn and reach their full potential as caring citizens. Macon stepped up as a compassionate leader of the club in Delaware by organizing a fundraiser to keep the club in business. His investment in the organization earned him the 2015 Youth Volunteer Service Award. College Guidance Counselor Kathleen Martin noted, “It is really inspiring to see an intellectual share his passion for learning with children.” Macon’s enthusiasm for sharing his passion allowed him to thrive as a leader for younger kids.
Julia and Macon both made commendable impacts on the community. Their remarkable efforts exemplify the purpose and true rewards of community service. Behnaz Varamini, service coordinator, states, “I hope that younger students will this see dedication to service and strive to inspire others.” We hope that they do not stop here with their passion for strengthening the community.