Kleman Proficient in Spanish

Lucy Knudsen

The Upper School Foreign Language Award is given to the junior or senior who demonstrates exemplary proficiency and passion for learning in their respective language study. This year, the award goes to Abby Kleman ’18!

Kleman not only excels within the classroom, but values and accepts other cultures. The student who wins the award demonstrates proficient skills in the language he/she is taking. Kleman stands out from the other language students for her stellar grades and interest in learning about the cultures of different Spanish speaking countries. Brady Bulk, Head of the Foreign Language department, comments, “Abby deserves the award because she is always deeply curious, a sincere learner, and wants to know more. To qualify for this award, one must not just have success or capacity to learn language, but is also generous with their fellow students”. The qualifications for this award are impressive proficiency in Spanish and helping the community learn. Abby was clearly a good choice for this award because, as Ms. Bulk noted: “Abby took it upon herself to organize study sessions before tests, which helped other students in her class. She also went on the El Paso trip and was able to interact deeply with some of the immigrants she met there, which made a profound impact on her.”

Helena Cochrane, Kleman’s Spanish 4 teacher remarks, “It’s great that there is a language award for a student who is a great scholar and contributes to the tone and morale of the class. We were really specific about contributing to the Spanish learners in the class. One thing that Abby does that is so special and unique is that she organized tutoring sessions for Spanish students and underclassmen”. Abby’s contributions to the education of her peers set her aside from other language students. Ms. Cochrane went on: “She was very helpful to her classmates who might not get things as quickly as she does. It’s great that in a Quaker school where we don’t want to distinguish people too much, there is still an inclination to reward a student who is so obviously doing much more than just learning. The award was created because year after year there is one special student in the class who ‘lifts all the boats’ in the water and helps everybody else to be strong learners, too”. Because Kleman was such a charitable teacher and learner, she deserves to be honored for her efforts.

Kleman was given this honor because she not only excels in her learning of Spanish, but shares this knowledge with others. She has done incredibly well for herself in class, and helped others to do the same. Because of her efforts, Kleman is a great candidate for this award. Being a junior, Kleman has one more year of Spanish classes. It is exciting to think of what she will do as a language student this next year at Friends and beyond!